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  • Binoculars

  • Geese Ethogram sheets

  • Turtle documentation sheets

  • Thermometer

  • Field guide for identifying turtles

  • Timer

  • Smartphone or Tablet



The most ideal locations to conduct research in are warm secluded areas where there is low human presence. The locations we tested are in Lincoln Park North Pond and  South Pond Also the Pickerelweed pond and the Alfred Caldwell Lily Pool.

This is the Alfred Caldwell Lily Pool. We only found two turtles in total. There are not many spots to bask, but there are some spots that are very accesible to the turtles. Although this is true, the spots are to close to the path, so they are easily disturbed by humans.

This is the Pickelerweed pond. We surveyed here a few times, and found some hatchlings swimming around. Eventually when the hatchlings have grown more, they go to North Pond.

This is a spot at North Pond where we found many turtles, geese, and ducks

because of the upturned trees that allow for birds to perch and turtles to bask.

Links to documents

This is south pond, while not the greatest place to conduct research on turtles due to the heavy human presence surrounding the body of water, although during the later half of the day and at night when the people have gone home and no one is around they tend to poke around and wander about 

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